Secondary Principal Meeting
After 1 hour and 51 minutes of...
Student Learning Plans, TAP, ProCert, National Board Certification, Math & Science GLEs, Social Studies alignment, Highly Capable Learners, Literacy GLEs, DAW, WASL, Course of Study, WHS Audit, bandwidth issues...
...and last but not least a Technology Update from Glenn...
What does Glenn do?
The World is Flat?
I'm a Digital Immigrant?
How do we Engage kids?
What are your thoughts about what I said in today's meeting?
Student Learning Plans, TAP, ProCert, National Board Certification, Math & Science GLEs, Social Studies alignment, Highly Capable Learners, Literacy GLEs, DAW, WASL, Course of Study, WHS Audit, bandwidth issues...
...and last but not least a Technology Update from Glenn...
What does Glenn do?
The World is Flat?
I'm a Digital Immigrant?
How do we Engage kids?
What are your thoughts about what I said in today's meeting?
Johnnie McKinley reported to me after our meeting today that she had heard Terry Bergeson recommend all administrators read "The World is Flat".
Thanks for sharing Johnnie!.
Dr. Glenn E. Malone, at 5:46 PM
Thank you! So much of what you said hit home. We are digital immigrants. Here is a great example: In the past, leadership students at Rogers wanted to play music over the intercom during passing periods. It was always a hassle to set up the right track on the right CD that the kids wanted to play. How easy it was when the student walked in with an IPOD and an ITRIP. If I didn't have to press the "ALL CALL" button on the intercom, I could have done it from my office. Students are so far ahead and I am determined to stay up to date.
Ben Muehlenbruch
Anonymous, at 8:12 PM
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