Parents Want Help!
Over 200 parents came to our internet safety and MySpace event. It was a huge success.
King 5 TV from Seattle was there too and we were on the nightly Seattle news and we should be on the "UpFront with Robert Mak" show this weekend.
Here are some of the resources mentioned at the event:
BSafe (From Andrew's Disk)
PC Tattletale (From Andrew's Disk)
A Guide for Parents from OSPI ( From Andrew's Handout)
Keeping Kids Safe Online
Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use
Cheat Sheet for Parents
Dearborn Pulic Schools
My information can be found at Protopage.
Our planning documents can be found at WikiSpaces.
Based on the response you can expect another event soon!
Parents want our help!
King 5 TV from Seattle was there too and we were on the nightly Seattle news and we should be on the "UpFront with Robert Mak" show this weekend.
Here are some of the resources mentioned at the event:
BSafe (From Andrew's Disk)
PC Tattletale (From Andrew's Disk)
A Guide for Parents from OSPI ( From Andrew's Handout)
Keeping Kids Safe Online
Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use
Cheat Sheet for Parents
Dearborn Pulic Schools
My information can be found at Protopage.
Our planning documents can be found at WikiSpaces.
Based on the response you can expect another event soon!
Parents want our help!
We'd love to help from PC Tattletale in way possible. You wouldn't believe how many emails get daily about MySpace Horror stories.
Feel free to contact us if you need anything ;)
bfleming at
Bryan C. Fleming, at 10:03 AM
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