I work for Dick Cvitanich and act as your advocate on all Tech Issues. I supervise the work of 4 teachers on special assignment. My team and I are 100% Bond funded and are currently the only employees with offices at ITC that have classroom experience (with the exception of Don Bussey in network). We’re embedded practitioners. We’re teachers first, techies second. We are not fixers, although we can fix most small tech issues. We are not powerpoint makers, although most of us can and have made many powerful powerpoints. Our mission is to “lead, coordinate and collaborate to create opportunities that advance the effective uses of technology to transform teaching and learning.” My personal goal is to serve you to better serve your kids.
Job Description:Technology Advocacy
Technology Visionary
Elem #22 & #23 Tech Planning
JH #7 Tech Planning
Building & District Tech Planning
Tech Bond Communication
Atomic Learning
Treo Training
ICS Training
Tech Bond Training & Implementation
Support:SLISK-6 NETS S Technology Scope & Sequence – Colleen Shields
7-12 NETS S Technology Scope & Sequence - Leska Wetterauer
K-6 Instructional Tech Software Orders – Colleen Shields
7-12 Instructional Tech Software Orders - Leska Wetterauer
K-6 Report Card & EGP - Dana Harris
K-12 AR/Star - Lori Hadley
K-12 AutoSkill - Nancy Arnold
ITCICS - Russ Telling
Teacher Laptops - Russ Telling
Inventory - Becky Schmidt
AV Surplus - Roy Knox/Gene Seibold
HelpDesk - Roy Knox
On-Site Techs - Roy Knox
Phones - Roy Knox/Dennis Wright
School & Teacher Websites - WebDev/Jay McSweeney/Karen Hansen
Teacher/Student Folders, Accounts & File Sharing - Jay McSweeney
Wireless - Jay McSweeney
PADs - Jay McSweeney/Bob Silverman
Tech Hardware Orders - Chris Tillman