Monday, October 31, 2005

The Blogosphere

David Sifry from Technorati gives some stats of the recent, rapid growth of the blogsphere.

"...the blogosphere has doubled at least 5 times in the last 3 years. Another way of looking at it is that the blogosphere is now over 30 times as big as it was 3 years ago"
  • 70,000 new weblogs are created every day
  • A new weblog is created about every second.
  • Recent spikes are partly due to increase in Chinese blogs.
  • 55% of new bloggers are still posting 3 months later.
  • 13% of all blogs update weekly (or more).
Scott Brittain has 2
Marc Brouillet has 1
Andrew Viderski has 1
Shelley Calligan has 1
Casey Cox has 1


Friday, October 28, 2005

Projecting your Computer Image

Here are a few tips to troubleshooting if your laptop computer image is not projecting on the projector.

  1. Hit the input button on the projector, it will toggle through 5 video inputs.
  2. Hit the source button on the D-cam it will toggle through 2 video sources.
  3. Hold down Function and Hit F4 it this will toggle through 3 different video display settings.

  • All equipment is plugged in correctly
  • All Equipment is in good woring order
  • You're using the ICS cart w/ teacher laptop
  • You're not extending your view to a second monitor

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Information Maven

Jenny Levin from the Shifted Librarian presents a great contrast between a Wiki & a Blog. I picked up this tip from Anne Davis at her EduBlog Insights.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Secondary Principal Meeting

After 1 hour and 51 minutes of...

Student Learning Plans, TAP, ProCert, National Board Certification, Math & Science GLEs, Social Studies alignment, Highly Capable Learners, Literacy GLEs, DAW, WASL, Course of Study, WHS Audit, bandwidth issues...

...and last but not least a Technology Update from Glenn...

What does Glenn do?

The World is Flat?

I'm a Digital Immigrant?

How do we Engage kids?

What are your thoughts about what I said in today's meeting?

Monday, October 24, 2005

What Works?

We subscribe to the Metiri Web Site.

It gives rating for each software solution in 4 categories:
"Can't Recommend", "Inconclusive", "Promising", & their highest rating "What Works"

Here are how some of our instructional software rates:
AR (Inconclusive)
Larson Math PreAlgebra & Algebra (Can't Recommend)
AutoSkill Academy of Reading (Promising)
Cognitive Tutor (Promising)
Read Naturally (Inconclusive)
Fast ForWord (What Works)

...are all reviewed on this site...

"Are you grappling with how to get a return on your technology investments- a return in higher student performance? Do you want to inform your decision making about technology with sound, reliable research? Are you also finding it difficult to locate research pertinent to your interests, and even more difficult to know which research findings are valid and significant-and which are not? If so, the Technology Solutions That Work (TSW) Database is just the tool you need. It puts the research at your fingertips and provides an in-depth, unbiased analysis of each study. You can also take a look at a range of technology-based learning strategies along with a summary of all the studies conducted about it to date. Tap into its resources to determine which research findings to factor into your school's technology plans. Increase your confidence that you are investing your technology resources wisely."

Each builidng was given 2 group tokens through principals last year one for the BLS & one for the Principal.

Our Group token is: C18-WA.

Try it before you buy.

Casey & Linda

Casey & Linda learning to Blog?

Friday, October 21, 2005

Treo Talk w/ Laurie

Friday Night on South Hill!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Effective Teachers

"The single largest factor affecting academic growth of student populations is differences in effectiveness of individual classroom teachers...the latent effects of teachers - both positive and negative - can be measured for at least 3 years after the students have left the classsroom, regardless of the effectiveness of the subsequent teacher"

Chris Pipho, Phi Delta Kappan, June 98

What are you thoughts on the results of this research?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Math & the Flat World

NCTM & the Flat World.

Cathy Seeley, president of hte NCTM makes reference to "A Flattening World" and the promise of Mathematics to help our students compete. Nice article.

Try This

In Groupwise:
  • >Select Tools
  • >Select Options
  • >Select Environment
  • >Select Views
  • >Select HTML for the Default Compose View & Default Read View
You'll be able to read and send messages like you have always wanted.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Blogging in our Classrooms

Blogging 101

Nice article on blogging in the classroom.

Blogs Wiki's & Podcasts as learning tools.

Broken Record...I know.

Also check out my Engage Me! blog with specific school examples from across the country.

"Celebrate the Possibilities"

Our Editor Nina "Will" Williams does a great job of writing our monthly newsletter.

Back issues can be found on the PSD intranet here.

The 3 Administrators

Scott, Brian & Nick come ot visit

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Big 6

What is the Big 6?

The Big 6 is an information literacy model. Some people call it a metacognitive scaffold, or an information problem solving strategy. Developed by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz, the Big6 is the most widely-known and widely-used approach to teaching information and technology skills in the world. When you apply the Big 6 steps, you have an essential framework to approach any information-based question.

The Big 6 is taught by our Librarians in our Library Curriculum.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Lisa & Steve

Treo Talk @ 7:30 am, some have showered.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Flat World

This may sound corny, but I look at my job as one of the most critical to our success…let me explain…
According to Thomas Friedman our "World is Flat!" our PSD graduates are no longer competing with the kids from Tacoma, Sumner, or even Seattle or Spokane. In this flat world PSD grads are competing with kids in Bangalore, India and Dongguan,China cities of over 7 million people on the other side of the world. Technology has been the great equalizer for them, leveling the playing field as it helped flatten the world.

PSD kids today are smart and they can compete but we have got to change the way we engage them in their learning! I would expect that mostly adults will read this blog, adults that can read at least at a 6th grade level. What is your technology level? Have you compared your technology skills with those that seem to come naturally to your children? Our teachers and administrators are no different; we adults are all “digital immigrants” new to this country of Digitalness. Cell phones, ipods, myspace blogs, wikis and podcasts, PSD kids are “digital natives” they speak this language and follow these customs with ease.

There is a way to use technology to engage kids to help enable them to compete in the “Flat World” but we first need to learn to use it ourselves. My job as Director of Technology Planning is to support principals and teachers in this effort as we design new programs and buildings that engage our students using technology as a tool to improve student achievement.

Zeiger Principal

We'll catch up to those digital natives one principal at a time.

Marc B is a blogger.

Check out his blog:

The Explorer

Internet Tourbus

Here's one way to keep up with those "Digital Natives."

You'll want to subscribe to this free email of helpful websites.

Internet Tourbus

Bob & Patrick are knowledgeable and humorous; they cut to the chase & I usually learn something new in each issue. The info is always concise. They explain things in simple terms.

The latest issue is attached and it's free.

Go to the link above to subscribe and it'll come straight to your Groupwise inbox, just what some of you need is another email, but this one will be worth it and could make your work easier in the long run.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Brittian @ Cutters

Scott and I met for 2.5 hours at Cutter's Point and He had an interest in learning more about Web 2.0.

In fact, after our meeting he now has 2 of his own blogs, check'em out.

The Brittain Family
The Ram Review

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Digi-Dog

Wiki's, Blogs, Social Bookmarks, PodCasts & Treos....China, India, Eastern Europe

"The World is Flat !" & The Web has changed to Web 2.0.

We are digital immigrants teaching digital natives in a foreign land & the natives are getting restless & bored!

The natives demand & deserve engagement in learning, "Engage Me or Enrage Me!"

Our leaders have not been able to to keep up with technology; yet technology holds the key to student engagement!

My job is to be your ambassador of technology; or as Andrew Schwebke calls me the "Digi-Dog"

Director of Technology Planning

I work for Dick Cvitanich and act as your advocate on all Tech Issues. I supervise the work of 4 teachers on special assignment. My team and I are 100% Bond funded and are currently the only employees with offices at ITC that have classroom experience (with the exception of Don Bussey in network). We’re embedded practitioners. We’re teachers first, techies second. We are not fixers, although we can fix most small tech issues. We are not powerpoint makers, although most of us can and have made many powerful powerpoints. Our mission is to “lead, coordinate and collaborate to create opportunities that advance the effective uses of technology to transform teaching and learning.” My personal goal is to serve you to better serve your kids.

Job Description:
Technology Advocacy
Technology Visionary
Elem #22 & #23 Tech Planning
JH #7 Tech Planning
Building & District Tech Planning
Tech Bond Communication
Atomic Learning
Treo Training
ICS Training
Tech Bond Training & Implementation

K-6 NETS S Technology Scope & Sequence – Colleen Shields
7-12 NETS S Technology Scope & Sequence - Leska Wetterauer
K-6 Instructional Tech Software Orders – Colleen Shields
7-12 Instructional Tech Software Orders - Leska Wetterauer
K-6 Report Card & EGP - Dana Harris
K-12 AR/Star - Lori Hadley
K-12 AutoSkill - Nancy Arnold

ICS - Russ Telling
Teacher Laptops - Russ Telling
Inventory - Becky Schmidt
AV Surplus - Roy Knox/Gene Seibold
HelpDesk - Roy Knox
On-Site Techs - Roy Knox
Phones - Roy Knox/Dennis Wright
School & Teacher Websites - WebDev/Jay McSweeney/Karen Hansen
Teacher/Student Folders, Accounts & File Sharing - Jay McSweeney
Wireless - Jay McSweeney
PADs - Jay McSweeney/Bob Silverman
Tech Hardware Orders - Chris Tillman

Who Do I Call @ ITC?

8600 Help Desk
When you need help with a technology problem. You can also email “Help”. Your building OST may also be able to help.

8750 Shaun Taylor, Directory of Technology

All ITC staff are under his direct authority. If you have a technology issue that is not being resolved to your satisfaction he is the one to contact. Shaun controls the ITC Budget & the 14 million dollar Technology budget.

8909 Roy Knox, Assistant Director of Technology Infrastructure
He supervises Helpdesk, On-Site Techs, repair, phones, and equipment. Rob Luthy Gene Seibold & Gerald Green work for Roy.

8630 Jay McSweeney, Assistant Director of Technology Information Systems
He supervises all Network systems, PADS, and development. Mike Litt, Lonnie Moore, and Nick Doben all work for Jay.

8673 Bill Zimmerman, Information Systems Coordinator
Recently hired to replace JoAnne Kendrick. He works for Jay.

8671 Russ Telling, Bond Technology Project Manager
He reports to Shaun and his work has been focused on project management of all bond projects.

8631 Chris Tillman, Customer Service Manager
She handles all purchasing, ordering, and inventory. Becky Schimdt works for her.

8750 Jodi Conzatti, Office Manager
She provides valued clerical support for Shaun Taylor and all of ITC.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.