Dear Anonymous
I deleted this post from an "Anonymous" reader this week:
Even though it is a true statement, I deleted it to illustrate the control that I actually do have on this blog as the author.
It was deleted at 3:50 pm
My Stat Counter shows the writer's IP address.
Given this info the writer was in the Puyallup School District & on a district computer.
The IP address indicates a location that is not filtered by our district's BESS proxy.
To me the comment reflects concern about the openness of blogs.
It points to a yearning to control the conversation.
It reflects a position of desired command.
It indicates a concern for "what if" that stifles dialogue.
It expresses a need to be responsible to the point of paranoia.
How do you read it?
"I can put anything in here I want to including links to sites that are insulting or degrading to the district."The comment has nothing to do with the post of that day.
--Posted by Anonymous to PEP Tech Talk at 2/23/2006 03:40:55 PM
Even though it is a true statement, I deleted it to illustrate the control that I actually do have on this blog as the author.
It was deleted at 3:50 pm
My Stat Counter shows the writer's IP address.
Given this info the writer was in the Puyallup School District & on a district computer.
The IP address indicates a location that is not filtered by our district's BESS proxy.
To me the comment reflects concern about the openness of blogs.
It points to a yearning to control the conversation.
It reflects a position of desired command.
It indicates a concern for "what if" that stifles dialogue.
It expresses a need to be responsible to the point of paranoia.
How do you read it?
I have two daughters one a junior at the U of W. and another a sophomore at Wilson H.S. the older started writing DOS macros before WSIWIG existed and the younger is out creating a video for a group project in english which I'll video cap and she will edit in MS Movie Maker. Both are on the net every day and both use all the functionality of their cell phones.
Truely technology is not evil, its just a medium for communication, just a conieform? clay tablets were for the Babylonians, this is the current way of communicating.
I've spent most of my adult (family) life instilling values into my daughters...they are incredibly cool people. I can't can't get exicted (worried) about any new form of communication, because I trust them impicitely.
Lets stop trying to control or stifle innovation, and focus on core values for ourselves and our children. Lets not assume that technology governs us, rather lets assume, we (our children) have the tools to use technology wisely, just like any other modality of communtication.
That puts a big burdon on us parents, one I readily accept, teach them well!
Also as Glen does and a guy I never really liked Ronald Reagon said "Trust and Verify".
BTW There are not a lot of folks who have internet access in the Puyallup School District without BESS to make sure they are behaving....hmmm makes you wonder.
Mounatain Mule
P.S. I too have an "My Space " accout and "Face Book" Gotta have the righrt accout for the gerneration.
Mountain Mule, at 9:01 PM
Stat counter is a nice tool but it only captures the final IP which will be the last gateway that it hit before hitting your blog posting - the yanks in my office got a kick on your investigative IP tools. You also might want to read up on random IP assignment and how that works if you are wanting to be a good sherlock holms.
Anonymous, at 7:59 AM
I believe the last blogger may have meant Sherlock "Holmes". Perhaps anonymous should do some investigative work on spelling before posting additional comments.
Anonymous, at 10:30 AM
Thank youu for this
bollocks, at 12:10 PM
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